Our Social Responsibility

Driving our collective success

At AOS, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of diversity, respect, and inclusion.  We believe that every individual brings unique perspectives and talents that enrich our community.

Driving our collective success

At AOS, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of diversity, respect, and inclusion.  We believe that every individual brings unique perspectives and talents that enrich our community.

Commitment to Diversity

We actively seek to build a diverse team that reflects varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of our global community.  By embracing diversity, we enhance our creativity, innovation, and decision-making processes. 

Commitment to Respect

Respect is at the core of our values.  We are dedicated to treating every individual with dignity and fairness, recognizing the inherent worth of each person.  We promote open dialogue and actively listen to different viewpoints, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and appreciated.

Commitment to Inclusion

Inclusion is about ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.  We strive to create a workplace where everyone feels a sense of belonging and can contribute to their fullest potential. Our policies, practices, and programs are designed to support an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive.

AOS’ Core Pillars of Responsibility

Health & Safety
Human Rights & Labor Practices
Community Engagement
Supplier Partnerships
Health & Safety

AOS has established a health and safety management system to eliminate or minimize the risks to personnel and other parties who could be exposed to hazards associated with its activities.

Our commitment is to comply with applicable legal requirements. Under the control of the health and safety management system, we are able to control hazards originating within the workplace which could adversely affect the health and safety of our employees. We ensure that we regularly deliver health and safety training to our employees to eliminate or minimize the risks.

The health and safety of our employees are of paramount importance to the Company. At each of our major locations, we have established a site safety committee to conduct routine meetings to check and review the effectiveness of our policies and guidelines and incident rates and oversee the implementation of corrective actions to ensure a safe and healthy work environment Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we swiftly implemented policies and procedures to protect the health and safety of employees according to guidelines adopted by health authorities. At our U.S. facilities, the COVID-19 Prevention Committees at each site met routinely to update prevention measures in accordance with state and county health orders, such as those required by Cal-OSHA. 

The COVID-19 global health emergency has ended; however, COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases and viruses remain a threat to the health and safety of our employees.  Our ongoing efforts include providing regular COVID-19 prevention training, and making face masks available for use. These policies and procedures help to ensure the health and safety of our employees. 

At Alpha and Omega Semiconductor (AOS), we are dedicated to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace through a comprehensive health and safety management system. This includes:

  • Occupational Safety: We protect our workers from hazards such as chemicals, electricity, and fire by enforcing engineering controls, preventive maintenance, safe work practices, and comprehensive safety training. Employees are equipped with necessary protective gear and educated on its proper use.
  • Emergency Preparedness: AOS is proactive in identifying potential emergencies, developing reporting mechanisms, and training employees through drills. We maintain equipped emergency exits and recovery plans to handle crises effectively.
  • Occupational Injury and Illness: We implement rigorous procedures to prevent, manage, and report occupational injuries and illnesses. This includes promoting thorough incident reporting and providing essential medical equipment.
  • Facilities Management: AOS provides facilities that adhere to health standards, offering clean sanitation facilities, potable water, and safe food handling areas. We manage environmental health risks by regularly assessing and controlling exposures to hazards.
  • Employee Accommodation and Communication: We accommodate employees with disabilities and ensure all health and safety communications are clear and accessible, promoting an open dialogue about safety concerns.

Our constantly evolving protocols continue to underscore how importantly AOS considers the health and safety of our employees to be. Our measures are designed to minimize risks and enhance the well-being of our employees, ensuring compliance with legal standards and demonstrating our commitment to our workforce's health and safety.

Jireh Semiconductor Health & Safety Policy >

Jireh Semiconductor Injury Illness KPI Trends >

Human Rights & Labor Practices

We are committed to protecting, improving and promoting the welfare of our employees, partners, and communities. We strive to provide an environment in which our employees can fully unleash their talents and are treated with respect, care, and dignity. We make great efforts to coach, train, and develop all employees so that they can grow their careers at AOS while contributing to business growth. We train our managers to become good stewards for our employees, balancing humanity while driving performance results. Our employees appreciate and value the strength of our people-oriented environment and the benefits our workplace diversity brings.

We offer competitive and fair compensation and benefits packages which include but are not limited to a combination of base salary, annual bonus, discretionary bonus for outstanding achievements, ESPP, time-based and performance-based long-term equity compensation. The equity-related compensation programs are designed to motivate and incentivize our employees, link their rewards to financial and other strategic business performance results, and at the same time increase our shareholder value.

We regularly host employee engagement activities such as social and team-building events and opportunities so that employees have a chance to connect and collaborate with their colleagues in an effort to strengthen our team-oriented culture.   

AOS believes strongly in our open-door policy, which is in place to assist and encourage employees to discuss with management any concerns, issues and ideas relating to their working conditions and careers. In particular, at our China manufacturing location, we conduct bi-annual employee satisfaction surveys to solicit employee feedback, upon which we perform deep dives to understand the underlying needs so that we can identify and implement improvement measures accordingly. In fiscal year ending June 30th, 2024, we implemented improvement suggestions at our China manufacturing factory which included upgrading worker dormitory and on-site canteen facilities as well as development of focus groups to enhance worker training programs.  Our most recent surveys not only indicated a record-high participation rate but also revealed that employees across the board were more satisfied in their jobs now than they were in previous years. All these efforts contribute to enhanced employee engagement and morale. 

We are committed to complying with labor standards and fair business practices everywhere we do business, and our Board has adopted a Labor and Human Rights Policy that applies to employees, interns, suppliers, agents, representatives, consultants, and advisors. With respect to AOSL’s specific business and countries of operation, we have assessed the below topics as the greatest potential impact for our company on human rights:

  • Prohibition on Forced or Compulsory Employment or Labor: AOS ensures all work is voluntary and free from any form of forced labor. We prohibit bonded labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery, and trafficking. Workers have unrestricted movement within company facilities, and AOS ensures clarity in employment terms and forbids any fees charged to employees.
    • To ensure proper implementation, we conduct regular training with managers to ensure they understand their obligations related to the Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Employment or Labor. Employees are informed of this mandate through transparent quarterly meetings.  Further, our hiring process includes checks conducted to affirm these mandates are upheld.
  • Prohibition of Child Labor: Child labor is strictly prohibited under company policy. AOS adheres to local minimum age laws and immediately discontinues engagement with suppliers or subcontractors found utilizing child labor.
    • In practice, this involves regular training of those involved in the hiring process to ensure compliance.  Additionally, we maintain strict oversight, with designated responsibilities across HR, EHS, and payroll teams, to ensure that all processes meet health, safety, and labor standards, including immediate reporting and rectification of any child labor incidents.
  • Fair and Transparent Employment Practices: We commit to fair labor practices, providing wages and benefits that meet or exceed the minimum standards in the countries we operate in. Compliance with local labor and wage laws is strictly followed, covering minimum wage, overtime, and legally mandated benefits.
    • To ensure proper follow through, our human resources and payroll teams oversee adherence local labor and wage laws.  At some work locations we have implemented dedicated working hours control teams which are charged with monitoring compliance to overtime rules, analyzing issues, and suggesting improvements to maintain effective labor practices.
  • Human Rights and Non-Discrimination in the Workplace: The Company maintains a workplace free from discrimination and harassment, supporting equality and respecting minority rights. 
    • At AOS, we provide comprehensive training to managers and employees on the prevention of discrimination and harassment in the workplace.  We actively and timely address related worker complaints and encourage employees to raise issues of concern through various channels, such as directly to a management or human resources representative, utilization of Lighthouse Services, a third-party service provider, WeChat, or email. We take great measures to ensure prompt follow-up and resolutions by all relevant departments.
  • Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: AOS respects the rights of workers to organize, form trade unions, engage in collective bargaining, and participate in peaceful assembly, all in accordance with local laws, while also respecting the rights of workers to refrain from such activities.
    • In practice, HR and the union actively inform employees about their rights to unionize or opt-out and jointly facilitate policy discussions relevant to employee interests. Additionally, the company maintains robust communication through regular meetings and bi-annual and annual surveys to continually assess and enhance employee engagement, workplace safety, and job satisfaction.  These survey results have led to improvements in workplace dormitory and canteen facilities as well as led to the development of focus groups to enhance worker training programs. 

As a global company, we seek to conduct business operations in accordance with international human rights principles, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We recognize the value of a diverse and inclusive workforce and work diligently to uphold and maintain work environments that promote equal opportunities and are free of discrimination and harassment on the basis of protected classifications. As such, employees failing to meet these expectations will be held to our internal accountability standards and procedures. 

Human Rights Policy >

Community Engagement

We are taking proactive actions to support our communities in which we conduct our business operations. We maintain a state-of-the-art and advanced semiconductor manufacturing facility, named Jireh Semiconductor, in Hillsboro, Oregon, where we employed approximately 520 local residents as of June 30, 2024.  Since 2012, we have invested more than $300 million to upgrade, improve, and enhance this facility, which allowed us to provide high-paying jobs and long-term careers to Oregon residents.  In addition, we helped lead the Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Coalition of Hillsboro (AM-TECH) that supports awareness and training for the manufacturing industry.  For example, we collaborate with the School District to support Educator Externship programs, where teachers and counselors learn about career opportunities in semiconductor manufacturing.  We also helped develop and sponsor the first Oregon Manufacturing Youth Apprenticeship program, with the students completing a two-year apprenticeship program in 2024 and a second cohort scheduled to start with the 2024-2025 school year.  We participate in Manufacturing day and other events that bring local high school students to tour our facility and learn about the process and science behind semiconductor technology.  We also continue to support the Career and College Pathways program where industry partners collaborate with the Hillsboro School District to review curriculum and provide students opportunities to gain skills for post-secondary education and careers.  In addition, as a member of the State of Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission Manufacturing Industry Consortium, we are actively involved in identifying and supporting initiatives and strategies that enable the manufacturing industry to engage the workforce, develop talents and align economic opportunity with local communities.  We believe these efforts demonstrate not only our commitment to support the growth of local communities, but also our ability to strengthen U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, thereby fortifying our nation’s chip supply chains. 

As a compassionate global citizen mindful of the welfare of our community, we organized several donation drives during the COVID-19 pandemic era where we matched employee contributions, which raised more than $100,000 for the COVID-19 relief fund to support areas in need, including in China, U.S., and India.  In areas of the U.S. where we have business operations, we donated more than, 10,000 KN 95 masks to our neighborhood frontline workers in hospitals, fire departments, police departments, and grocery stores in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In 2022, we contributed funds to the City of Hillsboro’s effort to rebuild after fire impacted several small businesses in the city. Also, in 2023, we organized a donation drive which raised $40,000 for recovery from the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.  We continually strive to be a good community citizen and participate in annual donations to the Second Harvest Food Bank and other select local charity organizations.  

Supplier Partnerships

Alpha and Omega Semiconductor (AOS) rigorously enforces compliance with laws against slavery, human trafficking, and child labor through its supply chain mandates as described in our Labor and Human Rights Policy. Suppliers must certify their materials and practices align with these standards, including specific compliance with SB657 regulations, which underscore the importance of ethical operations in the regions in which they conduct business.

Particular attention is placed on conflict minerals, such as tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold. These materials are often sourced from regions plagued by conflict, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its adjoining countries, where their extraction may fund human rights atrocities. To prevent any association with and tolerance of these conflicts, AOS prohibits the use of minerals from these areas in any products or materials supplied to the company.

To ensure adherence to these ethical standards, AOS  demands suppliers conduct reasonable due diligence within their own supply chains to ensure these minerals are sourced from conflict-free areas.  Additionally, AOS conducts selective supplier audits, which are carried out through a third-party company to verify compliance with our high standards related to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance.) In the event of continued non-compliance with our expectations, partnerships with said vendors are terminated. Our proactive approach underscores a commitment to transparency and ethical practices throughout our supply chain, ensuring that the materials used in our products are sourced responsibly and sustainably and that human rights and labor practices are followed.

California Transparency in Supply Chain Act/Disclosure >

Statement on Conflict Minerals >

Vendor Conduct Guidelines >