AOZ13984DI-04 is enable active low protection switch intended for applications that require reverse current protection. The input operating voltage range is from 3.4V to 22V, and both VIN and VOUT terminals are rated at 28V absolute maximum. The power switch is capable for 15A surge current for 10ms. AOZ13984DI-04 provides under-voltage lockout, over-voltage, and over-temperature protection. The FLTB pin flags thermal shutdown, overvoltage, and start up SCP faults.
Status | New |
Package | DFN3x3C-12L |
Min Vin (V) | 3.40 |
Max Vin (V) | 23 |
Sink or Source | Sink |
Max Load I (A) | 5.5 |
RON (mΩ) | 33 |
I Limit | No |
OVP | 24 |
External Soft Start | Yes |
# of Channels | 1 |
FRS Function | No |
RCB Topology | Ideal Diode |
SCP Function | Fast Shutdown at Startup Only |
Latch-off / Auto-Restart | Latch-Off |
Status | New |
Package | DFN3x3C-12L |
Min Vin (V) | 3.40 |
Max Vin (V) | 23 |
Sink or Source | Sink |
Max Load I (A) | 5.5 |
RON (mΩ) | 33 |
I Limit | No |
OVP | 24 |
External Soft Start | Yes |
# of Channels | 1 |
FRS Function | No |
RCB Topology | Ideal Diode |
SCP Function | Fast Shutdown at Startup Only |
Latch-off / Auto-Restart | Latch-Off |
Title | Type | Date | File |
AOZ13984DI-04 Datasheet | Datasheets | 2025-02-06 | |
AOZ13984DI-04 Marking | Markings | 2024-06-06 | |
AOZ13984DI-04 Reliability Report | Reliability Reports | 2024-06-06 | |
DFN3x3C_12L_EP1_S | Package | 2021-01-14 | |
DFN3x3C_12L_EP1_S Tape & Reel | Tape & Reel | 2024-04-25 |
Package Name | Dimensions | Package Specifications | Packaging Method |
DFN3x3C_12L_EP1_S | 3.0x3.0x0.9 | Tape and Reel |